God's Promise

I, for one, am thankful for God's promise to not destroy the earth with water again. Here in the midwest we have had upwards of 10-11 inches of rainfall in the last day or two. I can not imagine what 40 days of water would look like and I know that I don't want to see it.

Please, remember us in your prayers. There are many people who are likely to have lost all they had when these flood waters recede (which isn't expected for several days). Some have even lost their lives already.

God knows us by our prayers and is moved by our prayers and supplications. Please, lift up yourself, your loved ones, your lost ones, and even those you don't personally know, but see that are in need. Jesus is alive and that tomb is empty! Call on Him that is greater than any of us in faith believing.

I pray that you are all warm and safe and dry and that God is holding your hand.

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