The Lost Ones...

I am sure that we all have loved ones that are not walking with God. I worry over them about the everyday things, but most critical of all - I worry about their souls. A fatal accident or illness doesn't just take their lives here, but they have lost their chance at eternal life. I know that they don't realize their peril. I didn't when I was lost. I, also, know they don't realize the grief and worry for them that we have that know God and His truth. If our lost ones truly understood they would be standing in line at the alter to make a change.

So many people are misled by the "but I'm a good person" argument or the "surely God will give everyone another chance" theory. Let me assure you these are not Biblical doctrine. The Bible is our guide and we all need to study it carefully. Otherwise, worldly ideas and Satan's lies will deceive even the very elect.

If you are lost, take some quiet time to search your heart. I'll bet God has been calling, but the world has been drowning out His voice. Jesus came for those that are lost. As long as you still have breath, you still have hope. God loves you and He sent His only begotten son to save you. He is still trying to save you.

If you are one who has lost loved ones, let me encourage you to PRAY for them. God can move in their hearts where we sometimes can't reach. DO NOT give up on them! If you give up and stop praying or loving them, then Satan wins. I know this may be harsh, but if (God forbid) they were to die lost, then you will know that you did everything that you could. We have to save ourselves from this untoward generation. Accepting Jesus Christ as our saviour is a personal choice that each of us must make; no one can make it for us. Remember God is on throne and He is in charge and He loves us.

Have a blessed day and keep the faith.

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