Just three little letters...
IF you have ever organize a VBS, please, don't take it lightly. To have a good one takes much planning and organization. Sadly, I have not had as much time to invest in this project as I would have liked. But isn't that the way anything worthwhile is?
Even with a shortness of time and preparation, night one went fairly well (if I do say so myself). I think that the children enjoyed themselves and we had some good discussion during our lesson. I am praying that the rest of the week goes as well.
Working with children is such a blessing. It is especially rewarding when they are interested and interactive. I love it when they see the Lord moving in their lives for the first. Or when they finally understand a concept that you have been teaching fully. It is an awesome feeling.
If you have the opportunity the minister to children - take it. I don't think that there is any greater reward to be had in this world. Please, say an extra pray for all those children out there that don't have anyone willing to spend the time teaching them about our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ (or anything else meaningful).
Hug your child today and have a blessed day!
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