Legal vs Ethical

I chose not to jump in the middle of a nasty debate on a forum that I frequent, but thought I would post a couple of thoughts on the matter here instead of fanning flames there. Basically, the issue was whether a blogger was responsible or liable for the opinions, ideas, or actions that they promoted.

For me, the guiding line is "What would Jesus do?", but not everyone in the world is a Christian (even if they profess to be). Therefore, what do we adhere to as a society to keep order?

The law would the simplest answer in a nutshell, but it goes beyond that even. Ethics is the new by word today. And lawmakers are incorporating ethics into the law because of various scandals that have rocked the business world. They are, also, racing to address the vast new world of the Internet and all it's implications on the world that we live in. So, the law may not yet address every situation that pertains to the Internet. Blogging is probably one of those.

I was reading something that a prominent businessman said the other day. It was something to the effect that, "You have to ask your self, not only whether your actions are legal, but whether they are ethical." (I am paraphrasing.) In essence, it this right?

Well, my question is who determines what is right? Politicians? Lawmakers? Congressmen/women? Presidents? Lawyers? Voters? People? Please, exercise your right to vote whenever you have the chance. It makes a difference. *This was totally off the topic.

Back to the topic, as a blogger I try to reflect God's truth, share my own experiences, and lift others up along the way. As a person I may occasionally say or do something that isn't appropriate. I pray that God reveals my errors, shows me the correct way, and forgives me for doing wrong. I pray others will be as forgiving. This is what the Bible teaches and what I feel is right.

However, I don't believe that a blog (or anywhere really) is the place to call an individual out and stone them for their transgressions (real or imagined). I don't feel that it is the place to spew forth anger, hate, bitterness, jealousy, etc. I don't feel it is the place to humiliate, embarrass, berate, belittle, shame, or persecute anyone. I don't feel it is a place to gather a posse to validate, reinforce, and/or spread the previously mentioned ideas to the rest of the world.

Is doing so legal? Maybe/maybe not, that will be decided in a courtroom near you soon (probably).

Is doing so ethical? NO. It is NOT ethical to hurt others for your own agenda.

I am staunch supporter of the Bill of Rights. I believe in and exercise my freedom of speech all the time. I support others in their use of their God given rights. Our rights and freedoms are NOT an license to run others over. With great freedom comes great responsibility. Please, use it wisely.

VBS time again...

School is out. Summertime is here. And it is time to start planning our church's Vacation Bible School again.

This is only the second year that I have organized a VBS. If any of you have ideas or suggestions, I would love to hear from you.

I would love to see a real growth in our church from this ministry. I am praying hard for it. Please, join me in praying for all the VBS ministries.

I pray that God will richly bless all you that are working for His harvest. Have a great day!