WOW… Where has this year gone? I can’t believe how fast time is passing. And no, I don’t think that it is just because I am getting older. Lol.
The Bible says that God will shorten the days for the elect’s sake. I believe that we are seeing this happen; just one of those signs that everyone is so desperately seeking, but obliviously missing.
It has been a tough year. My daughter got engaged (sniff). Work has been overwhelming (sigh). A dear friend went home to the Lord (weeping). My mother’s health is slipping rapidly (more weeping). I’ve been sick again (cough). And battles aplenty scattered in between. My stress level is up all over and Satan is striving to destroy all he can.
But you know, there have been rays of light mixed in with the darkness…
o I witnessed a miracle of 33 men in Chile being rescued from a rock tomb after being buried for near 3 months.
o I survived another nasty bout with bronchitis, again.
o My baby found a man that she wants to marry.
o I am expecting my first great-great niece around my birthday next year.
o My daughter and I survived and walked away from a roll-over car wreck with minimal injuries.
I am thankful that God is faithful and always there to help us carry any burden. I love that about Him.
I pray that you will let Him help you carry those burdens, too. Have a blessed day!