Be Strong...

Satan is working overtime, People! He is trying to make as many people as possible to stumble and fall. Once he has you down, it is so incredibly hard to break his hold and to get back up on your feet again. And sometimes, you remain weak after a fall – susceptible to further ploys of Satan.

Let’s not let Satan have any hold on us if at all possible! The stronger that we can be spiritually, the better our ability to withstand Satan’s attacks will be. There are plenty of ways that we can exercise our faith and gain strength.

Here are just a few of my favorite ways to grow and gain strength in the Spirit:

o Prayer – Tell Jesus EVERYTHING! He wants to talk with you.
o Read your Bible – How can you be a Christian if you don’t know who Christ is?
o Study the Word – Read it, consider it, meditate on it, discuss it…
o Apply what you learn – Faith without works is dead. Live what you believe.

Faith was imputed to Abraham as righteousness. I can only hope to be a friend to God as Abraham, but his example of walking and talking with the Lord is one we can all follow.

These things may not seem like much, but mighty oaks grow from a tiny acorn. May God bless your works and make them to grow and prosper. Have a blessed day!

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