Final Call...

Matthew 11:29

Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

How long will Jesus continue to issue His invitation?

How long will He tolerate the evils that He calls abominations in the Bible that are so widespread in our world today?

How many times will He call you before He turns you over to a reprobate mind?

How many times will He answer your prayers and protect you when you aren't following after Him?

At what point did Sodom and Gomorrah cross the line?

These questions strike fear into my heart - fear of the Lord. I think that every person that has heard the truth of God's salavation plan should have this fear. The Bible tells that this world's end is coming. Are we going to be ready when that day dawns?

Are you a gambler?

If you haven't made yourself ready according to the Bible (not yourself), you are gambling that today isn't the day that the Lord is returning.

You are gambling that you won't have an accident and lose your life on your way to work.

You are gambling that the doctor won't tell you that you have some terminal disease at that appointment today.

You are gambling that the Lord isn't going to say enough is enough and I am through with them today.

I would say the odds against you are going up everyday.

Jesus Christ is going to appear one of these fine days to take His bride home. Please, examine your life to see if you are ready. If you aren't in order with scriptures, please, take the time and make the effort to make yourself right in His eyes (yours and mine don't count).

Don't keep gambling with your soul.

May God open your heart and mind to His truth and make your path straight to Heaven. Have a blessed day!


Just three little letters...

IF you have ever organize a VBS, please, don't take it lightly. To have a good one takes much planning and organization. Sadly, I have not had as much time to invest in this project as I would have liked. But isn't that the way anything worthwhile is?

Even with a shortness of time and preparation, night one went fairly well (if I do say so myself). I think that the children enjoyed themselves and we had some good discussion during our lesson. I am praying that the rest of the week goes as well.

Working with children is such a blessing. It is especially rewarding when they are interested and interactive. I love it when they see the Lord moving in their lives for the first. Or when they finally understand a concept that you have been teaching fully. It is an awesome feeling.

If you have the opportunity the minister to children - take it. I don't think that there is any greater reward to be had in this world. Please, say an extra pray for all those children out there that don't have anyone willing to spend the time teaching them about our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ (or anything else meaningful).

Hug your child today and have a blessed day!


I am, so often, crushed and broken by the things of this world that I find my grasp on the truth slipping. The truth that God loves us wants us to serve one another in His presence. Jesus did not come to rule over the earth as a king in the world's eyes. He came to teach and preach and set an example for us to follow. How often do we follow that example in our hustle and bustle life?

Forgiveness is all I can beg, because I am guilty of ignoring His calling and His teaching 99.9% of the time. My mind is clouded by the demands of this world and I allow them to draw me away from where I need to be headed. The Lord has to get my attention over and over again when in truth - my attention should never waver from Him.

" ye first the kingdom of God and these others things will added to you..." comes to mind. GOD FIRST. Everything else after that. Stop and think about that for a moment... How often do we put God first in our lives?

Who is the first person that you speak to in the morning?

Who is the first person that you call and rejoice with when something good happens?

Who is the first person that you ask for help?

Who is the first person that you call on for healing?

Who is the first person that you share your troubles with?

Who is the first person that you thank for helping you?

If we put Jesus first then we are beginning to put our lives in the the proper order. A life ordered by God is a life that is worth living. It is a life that will bear fruit. It is a life that will take us all the way through eternity.

Let's put Him first today. Have a blessed day!